
ALIEN RPG: Liars & Shadows

I found her. I need you. You in?

Miller and Rye, from Chariot of the Gods, are heading back into the black to recover the Montero. This ain’t no milk run. Smugglers, pirates, the USCMC and even the UPP all stand in the way. Liars & Shadows is a cinematic adventure in three acts.

Liars & Shadows Adventure

Liars & Shadows Characters

The downloads are pdfs. The Adventure file contains a detailed overview of the scenario, all 3 Acts’ events, artwork, character agendas, and a Game MUTHR resources section. The Characters file is designed to be printed out two-sided, and contains a full page character sheet on one side, and a character portrait and backstory on the reverse side. Both files are designed to be printer-friendly.